What to Expect

Mohs Procedure Instructions

Preparing for surgery

  • On the day of procedure, eat breakfast and take all your usual prescribed medications.
  • If blood thinners such as Plavix, Coumadin, aspirin are prescribed by your doctor for heart disease, stroke, clots or other diseases, continue to take them unless your doctor gives permission to hold off for specific number of days prior to surgery (check with your doctor).
  • Stop taking the following blood thinners 7-14 days before the procedure only if you take them for prevention: aspirin, ibuprofen or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, vitamin E (including multivitamins with vitamin E) and herbal medications. Tylenol can be taken as needed for headaches or pain as it does not prolong bleeding.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages preferably 7 days prior to procedure as this can affect bleeding during and after the surgery.
  • Stop tobacco use for 2 weeks before and after surgery as this may affect healing and cosmetic outcome.
  • You may be asked to refrain from activities such as bending, lifting, golf, swimming, tennis, or other activities for 1-4 weeks after the procedure.
  • Please bring the completed patient information form or own list of medications/medical problems on the day of your procedure if it has not been updated.
  • Mohs surgery is performed in stages so the process can take many hours. Please do not schedule any other appointments on the day of procedure to avoid scheduling conflicts. You may want to bring a sack lunch or snacks as desired.
  • It is helpful to have someone accompany you. Your companion may sit with you during the waiting periods, bring you a meal and drive you home.
  • Bring something to do (e.g. book, magazine, crossword puzzles, knitting) while you are waiting for the tissue to be checked under the microscope.